Helping Aspiring Traders Beat the Markets & Turn Pro

We help you find, refine and develop a professional and algorithmic trading OS (system), then learn how to adapt and evolve with it.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."

~ Charles Darwin

Are you one of the following?


Busy Trader

You struggle to strike a balance between your trading life and personal life due to the overwhelming complexity generated by both.

This exhausts your finite time, mental capital, and energy.

Failing Trader

Despite investing countless hours into studying, you find it challenging to translate your knowledge into tangible and sustainable results.

This causes uncertainty and doubt upon your trading career.

Breakeven Trader

With a deep understanding of effective trading, you’re unaware of the blind spots that hinder your progress.

This frustrating loop restricts your evolution and limits your full potential as a trader.


Start here and become a Trader that beats the markets.

Solve these roadblocks and elevate as a trader today. Learn more now!
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Here's what other traders are saying:

Mohammad (@Nyx_Doc)

NASA! He is Organized, complete; thorough, and simply one of the best !!! Global perspective like no other!! THE BEST ! HE IS SIMPLY THE BEST!!


Braveheart helped me organize my trading and put things in order. Having a plan and building narrative is a gamer changer.
Doing less has increased my focus and made me a specialist in my 1-2 pairs. 


This experience for me is like "turning on the light in a dark room". Completely a different level of knowledge and teaching.
Oliver is a master at breaking down complex concepts into simple, small details that fit together into a single whole.

I am very happy that my life path has brought me here.

The fantastic support from Oliver is what keeps me from getting lost.I clearly see the path and the main thing i need to get there with clarity.
This is all thanks to the Oliver and his guidance for me on the right path

Mark C

I was uncomfortable for a bit due to many new things I've added and more factors to consider.
but it was all necessary and with couple months of practice, it feels very manageable now.

I don't feel the urge to see what anyone else is doing anymore.
I've blocked almost every ICT trader on twitter that have a new theory and also I'm barely on social media now.

It's a great feeling honestly - I have something that's my own,
I don't even want anything else and yeah you're right I have complete clarity and know the exact processes of what I need to do to get my results.

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